Transformers Computer Pusat Macbook Terlengkap Dimalang

Apple finally ships The MacBook Pro 15 with the new intel processors. They feature 6 cores and Should increase the multi- core performance.

MACBOOK PRO RETINA 15 inch 2018 TOUCHBAR Fullset Ex IBox Mulus 98% Like New

Spek Gahar Buat High Design & Rendering

Spesifikasi Lengkap :

Procesor : Intel Core i7 – 8850H 6-Core @2.6Ghz Up To 4.3Ghz
Memory Ram  : 16GB DDR4 Soldered Up to 32GB
Storage  : 500GB Apple SSD
Graphics Adapter  : Intel UHD Graphics 640
+Radeon Pro 560X Vram 4GB
Cc :390 Normal Untuk Kondisi Second ya

KONEKSi : 4USB 3.1Gen2/ 4Thunderbolt / 4Displayport / audio connection/ Wifi / Bluetooth

COD siap Antar sekitar Malang
Rekber /Paylater Tokopedia : Makbutet13
IG : Febriani Togatorop
CP : 081378778130 Febriani Togatorop

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